
No matter what time of year, or how long you stay, we have just the thing for you! Ouray is unique in having endless assets that surround our small town. 放心,你不会觉得无聊的.

我们有适合每个人的东西. 有旅游项目吗?, 博物馆, 到300多英里的小径, 景区道路, 温泉, 还有更多!


  • 玻璃吹制


    Hand blown, slumped and leaded glass is a valley specialty, as is custom ceramic and iron work. As you walk downtown, immerse yourself in this incredible art form. If you are lucky, you may even catch a glimpse of art in action!

  • 盒子Cañon瀑布


    盒子Cañon瀑布, 我们自己的世界奇迹, is the culmination of Canyon Creek narrowing and spilling thousands of gallons a minute of water over the falls. 在这个最壮观的地质构造中, the 285-foot waterfall plummets into a narrow quartzite canyon. The narrow rock walls tower over the falls by nearly 100 feet!

  • 站在瀑布底部的人


    攀峡运动不只是在沙漠中进行. In Ouray there are multiple routes to hike, repel, and jump down. Experience Ouray's most iconic waterfalls under supervision of professional canyoning instructors.

  • 山间鬼城


    参观这些鬼城,回到过去. Stand in ramshackle bunkhouses, once occupied by brave souls seeking fortunes. 即使你身临其境, it's difficult to imagine the hardships experienced by the individuals who once worked thousands of feet underground in cold, 脏, 和沉闷的环境.

  • 途经费拉塔的金山上的人


    途经费拉塔的金山 highlights the best adventure, scenery, and guidance in the San Juans. This route showcases Ouray’s mining history with still-standing mining buildings and you get to be upfront to the action!

  • 在科罗拉多州欧瑞的偏远地区徒步旅行


    In Ouray, Colorado, there are 300+ miles of hiking trails. We promise that there is something for everyone no matter how experience you are. From flat river walks, to towering 14ers, we have it all!

  • 我们的温泉池


    Here, you will find many opportunities to soak in Ouray, Colorado by ways of 温泉. 这里有四家酒店提供温泉! 是什么让温泉如此特别? 这里是浪漫之旅的完美场所. 这是一个完美的家庭友好的旅行. 它对健康有很大的好处.

  • 攀冰者攀登


    The Ice Park is home to more than 200 ice and mixed climbs, 大多数距离市中心步行15-30分钟. 有很多机会可以学习这项运动, you can hire an experienced local guide or attend one of the many seasonal clinics that have something for every group from beginner to expert, 儿童到成人, 从健全到截肢.

  • Ouray啤酒厂的啤酒杯助威


    Ouray might quite possibly offer the best and most craft beer and spirits per capita in the State of Colorado, 我们很乐意承认这一区别! 尽情地啜饮. 在Ouray,我们有适合每个人的东西. With three options for breweries, two wine facilities, and one outstanding distillery.

  • 红山和OHV


    Off-highway adventures bring you to some of the most stunning landscapes in the Rocky Mountains. Ouray has an enormous variety of jeeping and OHV routes at every level. Go it alone or with guides who love to share their knowledge of the San Juans’ geology, 植物区系, 动物, 最丰富多彩的故事.

  • 孩子们在攀岩墙上


    墙到墙的乐趣! The Ouray探险中心 is Ouray’s only fitness gym that features a bouldering wall, 瑜伽馆, 重量的房间, 培训委员会, 和乒乓球! Furthermore, we are committed to providing a safe, fun, and inclusive space for families. Our staff are trained to ensure that everyone feels welcome, and we work diligently to foster an environment where kids can learn, 成长, 通过参与活动来建立自信.

    Dyno-mite Indoor Bouldering The Ouray探险中心 offers two bouldering walls, plus 培训委员会 such as the Tension Board and Moonboard. 抱石和攀岩有什么不同? Bouldering is a form of rock climbing that involves ascending relatively short routes, 通常不高于20英尺, 不使用绳索或其他防护设备. Instead, boulderers rely on padded mats and spotters to cushion falls and ensure safety. 抱石运动强调技术, 强度, 以及解决问题的能力, as climbers must navigate a series of challenging moves on often-overhanging or complex terrain. Bouldering can be practiced both indoors and outdoors and has become a popular form of exercise and recreation for people of all ages and skill levels. It offers a unique physical and mental challenge, requiring focus, endurance, and creativity. Regardless of your level of climbing, we got a pair of climbing shoes with your name on them.


    (970) 318-8104

  • Ouray县历史博物馆


    1964年以前它一直是一家医院. In 1971 the Ouray County Historical Society began exhibiting in the building. In 1976 the historical society purchased the building for a museum. There are three floors containing 38 exhibits in twenty-seven rooms. Smaller displays are located in hall cases, alcoves and the original hospital dumb waiters.

  • 菲拉塔路上的人


    There are more than 1500 通过Ferrata routes in the world, 但目前在北美不到10家, 包括加拿大. Ouray alone has three different opportunities to tackle this exciting adventure. 两个沿着Uncompahgre峡谷的边缘.

  • 女子攀岩


    Ouray offers a little bit of everything for the rock climber over its 150+ rock climbing routs: sport, 传统的, mixed and even summer dry-tooling for the out-of-season ice enthusiast. 我们当地的岩石种类繁多,有坚硬的石英岩, 块状砂岩, 还有易碎的凝灰岩,让事情更有趣.

  • 紫晶岩


    但他 must not be confused with commercial mineral activities that are governed by mining and mineral laws. 不得使用任何机械设备, and any collection must not conflict with existing mineral permits, 租赁, 索赔, 或销售. Causing significant ground disturbance or collecting for commercial gain without a permit is punishable by fines and potential restoration costs.

  • 莱特歌剧院


    的声音, 座位, stage and experience of witnessing live arts at 莱特歌剧院 is like no other. Since the late 1800s this venue has provided the 乌拉尔市 and its citizens a place to gather, 分享和社交.

  • 吉普车沿着山路行驶


    Fun and adventure are never far away in the San Juan Mountains. Contact our local guides and rental companies for everything that you need for your Ouray adventure, 不管它是不是吉普车, 攀登设备, 滑雪或骑自行车.